jueves, 24 de junio de 2010

Last Class! =(

Your Triaramas...
Evelyn, Diana, Agus & Angi...

Luisina & Cande...

Pili, Ari, Mauri & Yasmín...

Ani, Sol, Pau & Mari...

Lovely memories. THANK YOU!

2 comentarios:

  1. Adri, I love this activity! it's great to see all the comments your students wrote to you. I'm going to stole this as a final activity for my private students! lol

  2. of course, yami!! that was the idea of sharing this blog with you!! have you seen my plan? just in case, here it's the link: http://docs.google.com/View?id=dgpmjw3t_8d8n8cpgv
